Monday, April 14, 2008

Lots (of food) and Tacos and Bread - Oh My!

Over the weekend I was talking with my boyfriend's family about sandwiches. Oddly enough, we were at a party with a full service taco bar, and no sandwiches. I like taco's as well, but it's always fun to start up a conversation about people's favorite deli's and sandwich joints. They gave me some really good suggestion's for my blog, as well as some great eateries for me to visit. I can't recall the name of all the places, except one-California Sourdough. This stood out to me because of the way they described the fresh baked bread that the sandwiches are served on. I will have to find out the other names of the sandwich shops, and start my quest to visit as many deli's in the bay area as I can...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Intro to the world of sandwich love

Hey Everyone, no one and anyone in between.

My name is Shira and I love sandwiches. Actually, it is more than mere love, I will put it out there for all of you to know-sandwiches are my favorite food. Call me crazy, call me weird, call me a genious (I know that's what you really want to call me), but it is true.

I don't know how long I've had this love, but it has sent me on quests for good eats all over the bay area, as well as any other destination I happen to come upon.

My favorite deli thus far is Genova Delicatessen in Oakland. Far drive, but delicious sandwiches and eats. It is a true Italian deli. They get excited if you tell them to make "something special," the staff is entertaining and the food is outstanding. You can't beat that =D!

As for this blog, it is for anyone and everyone who loves sandwiches as much as I do, or who has a great sandwich place to recommend that I have never been to (probably thousands, but I like a good challenge).

I will write recommendations and post pics of sandwiches from some of my favorite places. I will also visit any new sandwich place recommendations in the bay area and post them on my blog.

So let's get eating!