Monday, April 14, 2008

Lots (of food) and Tacos and Bread - Oh My!

Over the weekend I was talking with my boyfriend's family about sandwiches. Oddly enough, we were at a party with a full service taco bar, and no sandwiches. I like taco's as well, but it's always fun to start up a conversation about people's favorite deli's and sandwich joints. They gave me some really good suggestion's for my blog, as well as some great eateries for me to visit. I can't recall the name of all the places, except one-California Sourdough. This stood out to me because of the way they described the fresh baked bread that the sandwiches are served on. I will have to find out the other names of the sandwich shops, and start my quest to visit as many deli's in the bay area as I can...

1 comment:

Ariana said...

Hi Shira,
I love your blog! And I love sandwiches. My favorite all time sandwich is Togos #28, it is ham, turkey, and salami, I love the deli meats. I usually have it with American cheese on white bread. I never get tired of it. Served best with potato chips and Dr. Pepper.